Author’s Log 0507.24
Short version: Cut in Half is in the editing phase and there’s another new thing on my list.

I’m now editing Cut In Half, Book A in the In All Jest World series. It’s great to be at this stage already and not have 200k+ words to edit 🙂
What’s been very enjoyable has been writing about things from before the Occultation occurred and bringing that to life as it happens in the book… oops no spoliers.
As I write this I can see the book cover which is printed and blue-tac’d to my wall above my monitor. I’m more certain about it being right for the story as well. Looking forward to having it out in the world.
Key work of late:
- Running promotions on A Fool’s Errand
- Updating my email series for new people joining the reader club
- Commenced work on the World of Scurra free ebook, which is an updateable guide to my In All Jest series, with pronunciation guides, maps and a glossary
- Outlining Book 4 of the In All Jest series.