Author’s Log 0609.24

Very much deep in the editing of Cut In Half, although I did manage to fit in time to release The In All Jest World Free Ebook. I’m over 1/3 of the way through the editing process, my first part of it, before it goes off to my developmental editor. I know I need to…

Male Fantasy Author at computer envisioning their fantasy world

Very much deep in the editing of Cut In Half, although I did manage to fit in time to release The In All Jest World Free Ebook.

I’m over 1/3 of the way through the editing process, my first part of it, before it goes off to my developmental editor.

I know I need to select the actual day in December that it will be published, but hey there’s still 3 and a bit months to go. As soon as I do the cover reveal (this month) then I’ll have to tell the exact date.

Key work of late:

  • Finishing and publishing the FREE ebook The In All Jest World. You can get on this site.
  • Editing Cut In Half
  • Thinking about a promotion for Fool Me Twice, which I’ll be setting up in the next week
  • Stressing about the fact I still have to update my Wiki with all of the final content from Spire of Fools
  • Drafting the outline for Book 4 in the In All Jest series.