Author’s Log 0507.24

Short version: Cut in Half is in the editing phase and there’s another new thing on my list.

Male Fantasy Author at computer envisioning their fantasy world

I’m now editing Cut In Half, Book A in the In All Jest World series. It’s great to be at this stage already and not have 200k+ words to edit 🙂

What’s been very enjoyable has been writing about things from before the Occultation occurred and bringing that to life as it happens in the book… oops no spoliers.

As I write this I can see the book cover which is printed and blue-tac’d to my wall above my monitor. I’m more certain about it being right for the story as well. Looking forward to having it out in the world.

Key work of late:

  • Running promotions on A Fool’s Errand
  • Updating my email series for new people joining the reader club
  • Commenced work on the World of Scurra free ebook, which is an updateable guide to my In All Jest series, with pronunciation guides, maps and a glossary
  • Outlining Book 4 of the In All Jest series.