Author’s Log 0302.22
The rewrites and final edit work has essentially all been done. Later this week it will go back for a final read by my editor before we send it to the proof reader. At that point it’s purely a race to get to the end. I’m unsure if we have enough time to meet my…

The rewrites and final edit work has essentially all been done. Later this week it will go back for a final read by my editor before we send it to the proof reader.
At that point it’s purely a race to get to the end. I’m unsure if we have enough time to meet my intended release date but until I know better I’ll keep it at that.
In the next week I will be revelaing the cover to my newsletter list, before getting things ready for putting the book up for pre-order.
I’ve set the publication date to be April Fool’s Day, 2022 (April 1). I’ve always wanted to release this Jester (Fool) series on that date and process willing it will be the day each year I will release each book moving forward.
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Key Work of Late:
- Editing
- Editing
- Editing
- Remembering to sleep.