Author’s Log 0408.23
Oops this is almost like a 6 month update. At the begining of this week the manuscript for Book 3 of the In All Jest series, now named Spire Of Fools, was sent off to my editor. It came in around 260,000 words, which no doubt will get a little trimming, but was pretty on…

Oops this is almost like a 6 month update.
At the begining of this week the manuscript for Book 3 of the In All Jest series, now named Spire Of Fools, was sent off to my editor. It came in around 260,000 words, which no doubt will get a little trimming, but was pretty on the mark for the size I felt it was coming out to be.
We’ve scheduled it for a November release, the exact date I’ll publish later.
The process this time around felt improved and as a whole I feel like introducing an outline early on for the shell of the story was a good move.
Key work of late:
- Completed writing second half of the manuscript
- Edited entire manuscript
- Sent to editor
- Briefed and got designed the first in-world illustration of the book, set around Midderbuilt, and the Spire of Sand. Part of this illustration will be seen on the cover of Spire Of Fools
- Had the cover of Spire of Fools designed, approved, and even had my mini cavnas version printed, it’s now hanging next to the other ones in the series on my office wall
- Preparing a marketing strategy for the whole series and the launch of book 3