Author’s Log 2207.02
It’s been a while since I wrote one of these, but Book 3 is progressing nicely. The launch of Fool Me Twice on April 1 went well, and as expected it also encouraged sales of A Fool’s Errand as well. The interactive map was missing a few end chapters, not quite sure what happened to…

It’s been a while since I wrote one of these, but Book 3 is progressing nicely.
The launch of Fool Me Twice on April 1 went well, and as expected it also encouraged sales of A Fool’s Errand as well. The interactive map was missing a few end chapters, not quite sure what happened to that so we re-entered the data, and that’s working better now. Have you seen the interactive map?
I’ll have the same ready for A Fool’s Errand in the coming month.
It’s also time to tidy up this site, there’s some navigation fixes I want to make and some ways to make it easier to find things, including the world information.
Book 3 is a completely different approach for me, with me still having not decided on a name for it or having a book cover yet. Usually I have those two things set early and use them as motivation, not that I need any this time around. I have a solid idea of what the cover will look like but the name is still not locked in. I’m not liking the working name I am using so need to spend some more time on it.
Having changed to using a plot model for the overall structure I’m very happy with how that’s worked out. It took some effort to pull it together, being the first time I’d used this method, but now it’s much easier to write chapters, as I don’t need to spend any time lining up plot sequences etc.
Key Work of Late:
- Writing Book 3
- Signing and selling personalised copies