Author’s Log 2203.19
Back in the words, and loving it. Currently working through scenes I identified in my structural audit that needed adjustment. What does that mean? Well in some cases when reviewing the structure of the story I could see that a key scene’s intensity needed to be raised. Think of a scale, if it was only…

Back in the words, and loving it. Currently working through scenes I identified in my structural audit that needed adjustment.
What does that mean?
Well in some cases when reviewing the structure of the story I could see that a key scene’s intensity needed to be raised. Think of a scale, if it was only a 3 it might need to be a 5 or a 6 in the context of where the story was.
Other scenes that just aren’t needed or are wrong for the story need to be re-written or removed.
While it took me longer than I wanted (or expected) to go through the structural editing the value now is very clear. Each day I pick off a scene and rewrite it to make the changes.
It’s so tempting to adjust other parts of the scenes as I read through, such as sentence structure or grammar, but I know at this point that getting the storyline to be complete is the key to getting this book published.
Key Work of late:
- Editing scenes
- Researching dyes, chalk, home cloth making in times gone by
- Adding more world building content to my encyclopedia of my world