Author’s Log 3110.20
It’s been a couple of weeks now since launch day. I’m still coming to terms with now having my debut novel published, being read and my first review came in yesterday. Getting reviews of the book from people you don’t know makes all the difference. It’s the reason I want to write, to share my…

It’s been a couple of weeks now since launch day. I’m still coming to terms with now having my debut novel published, being read and my first review came in yesterday.
Getting reviews of the book from people you don’t know makes all the difference. It’s the reason I want to write, to share my stories with others.
I thought this review from Glenys is pretty special>
I have been pretty humbled by the number of signed paperbacks that I’ve sold. I wrap them in brown paper ,and wax seal them before writing on the paper, as if it was addressed inside the world of the book.
We’ve had to stock up on more and now the orders for signed hardbacks are coming in as well.
I’ve been asked by those that have read the boo when will book 2, Fool Me Twice, be out. 2021 is the official answer. The book is already 50% written.
Right now I am finishing off updating the wiki to make sure it’s 100% up to date with the final version of A Fool’s Errand, before I concentrate on finishing Fool Me Twice. I am as in love with that cover as I am with A Fool’s Errand.
Key Work of Late:
- Finalisng the Hardback version
- Wrapping, wax sealing and posting the signed paperbacks
- Recording a new podcast episode
- Updating the wiki