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Author’s Log 3110.20

It’s been a couple of weeks now since launch day. I’m still coming to terms with now having my debut novel published, being read and my first review came in yesterday. Getting reviews of the book from people you don’t know makes all the difference. It’s the reason I want to write, to share my…

A Fool's Errand Banner

Author’s Log 0210.20

A Fool’s Errand is now officially on pre-order. My debut Epic Fantasy novel is finally ready to be read, and as of October 16, 2020, it will be available for all. This weekend we’re going over the final version making sure it’s ready to be uploaded into the publishing platforms and then it is hands-off…

A Fool's Errand Banner

Cover Reveal – A Fool’s Errand

I am excited to be able to reveal to you the cover of my debut novel, A Fool’s Errand. This cover was designed in 2017, and I have had it close at hand ever since. There has been a poster on my wall, a mobile phone cover and other versions surrounding me while I crafted…

Map Reveal – Dharatan

Map Reveal – Dharatan

I’m excited to share with you the map for A Fool’s Errand. This map is of the main continent Dharatan, which is where In All Jest Book 1 is set.

Author’s Log 3008.20

Author’s Log 3008.20

I am now at just over 80% of the way through my final edit of A Fool’s Errand. Out of the past six plus weeks this last has been the most productive and I can see the finish line. Setting the release date has been another significant part of the last month as well. It…

Author’s Log 2607.20

Author’s Log 2607.20

I’ve been working through my final edit of book one, A Fool’s Errand. It has started slowly but am now getting to build momentum. Being my first time receiving an editor’s feedback on a fiction manuscript there’s been a lot of things to get sorted out in regards to how I process the inputs and…

Author’s Log 0807.20

Author’s Log 0807.20

It’s been a hectic time of late. A lot of fun as well. Since my last note I became fully immersed in book 2 and was making some good progress. I knew that would end when the manuscript for A Fool’s Errand came back from my editor but it was actually really helpful to get…

Author’s Log 3005.20

Author’s Log 3005.20

Since the manuscript for A Fool’s Errand went off to my editor, I think I’ve gone crazy only three times so far. I don’t have many finger nails left either 🙂 In truth after a couple of weeks of pretending I wasn’t a writer, I have been busy reading the book on my kindle app,…

Author’s Log 2204.20

Author’s Log 2204.20

Well the time has arrived, and today the manuscript for A Fool’s Errand has gone off to my editor. For a first time author this is quite a big moment. It’s both exciting and a little nerve racking. One of the challenges in transitioning from “I’m writing a book” to “publishing a book” is being…

Author’s Log 3003.20

Author’s Log 3003.20

2020 has been an interesting year so far. I’ve been quiet here because I’ve simply been sprinting towards the finish line. I interviewed and selected an editor for A Fool’s Errand which made everything much more tangible. An original date for handing over the manuscript has had to be modified a little due to changing…

Author’s Log 2709.19

Author’s Log 2709.19

Slow progress on the editing at the moment. Mostly due to the editing and pre-publishing of my new Workbook for my nonfiction, which you can see over at Website Planning Guide. I am at about 70% editing of the book, and spending time inspecting the nature of my characters at the moment. Especially the secondary…

illustration of a fantasy landscape with a forest and a river gorge in the distance

Author’s Log 2607.19

The last month has been a busy one in matters unrelated to my fiction writing, so there’s been a break from making solid progress. In completing the latest Non-fiction draft, i set myself a reward for a trip away to reconnect with my novel and get new energy into the editing process. I never had…